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Anastasia Beverly Hills

Tweezer (Pincett) - Förðunar áhöld
3.639 kr4.549 kr
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Anastasia Beverly Hills Precision Tweezers are salon-quality stainless steel eyebrow tweezers with a slant tip for precise hair removal and professional-quality brow grooming. Handcrafted in Italy, this high-quality eyebrow tool is an essential part of your makeup kit. The durable tapered blade stays sharp enough to isolate and remove short, single brow hairs for expert hair removal, while perfect tension maintains the ideal bounce back for control and precision.
The precise tip is designed to perfectly grab and pull out hairs by the root and remove even the shortest of brow hairs
The tapered blade with a slanted tip provides for expert hair removal
Perfect tension maintains bounce-back for control
Includes a protective rubber cap for safe storage and to protect tweezer blade when not in use
Durable stainless-steel blade stays sharp and won't dull or rust
If properly stored, the tweezers are designed to perform as new, every time
Sharp enough to isolate one hair, yet gentle enough to not scratch or cut the skin
Use the Precision Tweezers to remove individual brow hairs, pulling in the direction the hair grows naturally to ensure proper removal without leaving gaps in the brow.
For safer removal of hair, use one drop of Hydrating Oil to prep skin before tweezing.
To avoid over-tweezing, use Pro Pencil to highlight areas you want to tweeze.
Use Precision Tweezers in conjunction with Anastasia Beverly Hills Scissors for the ultimate, professional-quality brow grooming tool set and experience.

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