You always have 30 days of return from the day you received the parcel. The parcel needs to be left off to a distributor within 30 days.
Right of exchange is valid on all orders placed between 11/06/2024 - 12/15/2024 and the last date where the order can be exchanged is 15/01/2025.
The right of exchange means the following:
during this period, you have a right to exchange the products for store credit in Boozt in case you return it after 30 days. An email with a store credit code, corresponding to the refund amount minus the return fee, will be sent to your registered email address. The store credit can be used on a future order on Boozt and is valid for 3 years. All returns that are registered within the normal return period of 30 days follow the regular refund process where the amounts are refunded in cash.