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Made With Care

The Made With Care shop is composed of fashion, beauty, sports, kids and home products that are made of at least 50% independently certified material/ingredients, and for which manufacturers in risk countries have agreed to social audits that evaluate working conditions.

Independent environmental certifications are looking at organic material, recycled material, and innovative materials while social certifications focus on reducing the risks linked to working conditions in production facilities, such as child labor or excessive working hours.

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Boozt Made With Care Criteria

Boozt Made With Care criteria are a set of ambitious and strict requirements that is the base for our Made With Care assortment. We want this category to represent a systemic change in production patterns by highlighting products certified by third party organizations for the environmental and social efforts they are achieving.

2024 Versions

In 2024, Boozt Made With Care criteria covers 3 product categories: Textiles, Footwear and Leather Goods; Beauty and Home and Accessories. Each criteria covers both environmental and social requirements that both need to be fulfilled in order to make a product eligible for our Made With Care shop.

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What is the Boozt Made With Care Criteria?

Boozt Made With Care Criteria is an attempt at describing in more detail what a "sustainable" product means to us at Boozt while challenging our brand partners to move beyond current practices. Boozt Made With Care Criteria is updated yearly, after the publication of Boozt's Sustainability report to match new strategies and regulations, include innovations and challenge further current practices.