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Made With Care

The Made With Care shop is composed of products that are made of at least 50% independently certified organic, recycled or innovative materials, and for which manufacturers in risk countries have agreed to social audits that evaluate working conditions.

Made With CareSkoða allt
Scandi BrandsSkoða allt


Hvað er ReBoozt?

ReBoozt er vettvangur okkar fyrir notaðar vörur þar sem þú getur auðveldlega og áreynslulaust endurselt fyrri kaup frá

Hví ReBoozt?

Þegar þú kaupir og selur notaða vöru tryggirðu að varan lendi ekki í úrgangsstraumnum meðan hún er enn nothæf.

Hvernig virkar ReBoozt?

Til að kaupa eða selja notaðar Boozt vörur þarftu að vera skráð(ur) inn á Boozt reikninginn þinn. Þegar þú hefur skráð þig inn skaltu fara í „Prófíllinn minn“ og veldu „Mitt ReBoozt“. Hérna geturðu auðveldlega valið hvað vörur frá Boozt þú vilt gefa nýtt líf og velja verð hverrar vöru.

At Boozt Sustainability means being committed to conducting our business responsibly with the highest possible standard of ethics, openness, and transparency, so that we can build trust and establish accountability. Above all, we want to make sustainable choices easy for our customers.

In our Made With Care category, you can find products that fulfill our sustainability criteria. Our Made With Care assortment combines all styles that have a positive impact on workers, communities and the environment. This means that all styles are made of more than 50 percent materials that are organic, recycled or have a low environmental impact, and / or have been approved by internationally recognized certifications.