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Scandinavian design and long-lasting quality made for the world we live in today and tomorrow” Our commitment is to design products with contemporary aesthetics from the perspective of our customers, without ever sacrificing comfort or functionality. We believe in long-lasting products, in terms of durability and quality, but also when it comes to a timeless appeal. We create value for the contemporary woman, through design and long-lasting quality that is made in a way that fits the world we live in, today and tomorrow. The name Flattered derives from the brand’s original signature collection of ballet flat slippers, first launched in 2013 in the heart of Stockholm. Since then we’ve grown organically and creatively, developing a full range of footwear as a result of customer demand and desire to take our indoor shoes outdoors. Today, we also offer a collection of handbags and leather goods consciously and responsibly crafted. All Flattered products are designed in Stockholm, and handmade by our factories in southern of Europe.

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    Lulu, Flattered
    50% DEALWOW10
    149.50 €299 €